Ways to Help
Get Involved
OAHFH builds and advocates for simple, decent and affordable homes in partnership with Otsego and Antrim County families in need. Our mission is supported by donations from businesses, churches, foundations, and individuals. Contributions help us purchase the construction materials needed to build affordable homes in Otsego and Antrim County. Time and talents donated by Volunteer labor along with donated materials help us to stretch program dollars even further. Because of our wonderful volunteers’ and partner family’s labor, you get an incredible Bang for your charitable Buck and instant heart-happiness!
"Giving back to OUR community!"

85 For 5
Otsego-Antrim Habitat would like to count on your continued yearly support of our $85 for 5 campaign. We ask that you make a donation of $85 a year for 5 years so that we may better budget and use those donations in a greater capacity to reach more homes and families in need of assistance. You can chose where to direct your donation or it will go to where it is needed most.
Loose Plate Offering
Undesignated or “loose change” offering of money that is among the gifts presented during the offertory at church or other religious gatherings. The term “loose change” may be used to distinguish the loose offering of money from pledge payments, gifts of money, or change gathered in the offering plate or basin. Once a month a local church donates their loose change plate offering to Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity to help us sustain our programs such as; building a new home every year, priority home repairs, A Brush With Kindness, cleanouts, and assisting families in need in Otsego and Antrim County. If you or your church would like to support our mission and programs, feel free to call our office at 989.732.6070. Your contribution can make a great difference in someone’s life.

Gift - In - Kind
In-kind donations are the gift of property, materials and services and are a huge blessing to us as they are very important to the success of Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity. Some of the in-kind donations we always need are:
Donate a car, truck, boat, RV or other vehicle to Habitat's Cars for Homes vehicle donation program by calling 1-877-277-4344 or visiting http://www.carsforhomes.org.​
Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity is always looking for additional building sites within the county. If you know of a parcel or lot with a reduced price please give us a call.
Construction Materials that can be used on new builds, rehabs, or repairs and help reduce the cost of the project.
Licensed and skilled labor; those who are willing to provide their labor at a reduced cost or for free impact our project in a big way.
Donate gently used or new items to the ReStore. Your donation is very appreciated and turns into cash for our builds!
Donate food! We appreciate individuals or groups who can supply breakfast or lunch for our build site volunteers
Volunteer! You do not need to know how to build a home and we encourage you to come out and learn a new skill while working alongside our partner family.
Volunteers are the heart of our mission. In order to fulfill our commitment to Otsego & Antrim County, we must have sincere, on-going partnerships with our homebuyers and volunteers. When Habitat meets the volunteers’ needs, homeownership opportunities are created, lives are changed, and our community is engaged. Otsego-Antrim Habitat for Humanity (OAHFH) believes that: All who share a commitment to our mission are welcome to join us in our work regardless of their background, ethnic origin, race, age, or gender. Everyone is welcome. OAHFH is inclusive and made up of a diverse group of individuals who put aside personal differences to support our mission. Every member of the Habitat family is valuable, and everyone is to be appreciated, respected, and recognized. The right role can be found for any person with a desire and heart to serve. Volunteers should be given opportunities to learn and grow within the organization. The work of every volunteer is valued equally. OAHFH values volunteers by giving them meaningful work and the materials, tools, training, and supervision to complete their tasks safely and in a timely manner. Volunteers are responsible for the quality of their work, their conduct at work sites, and for meeting their commitment to OAHFH, our homebuyers, and our mission. Volunteers deserve frequent and accurate information about activities and operations through regular, open communication with staff and other volunteers. Volunteers provide OAHFH with credibility, insight, perspective, diversity, and expertise that enlightens our operations, helps fulfill our mission, and engages the community in our activities.

Fund Raising Committee. This committee shall be responsible for coordinating the raising of funds needed by the corporation. The tasks to be coordinated by this committee shall include fund raising campaigns, grant proposal writing, special fund-raising projects and events, and cultivation of major donors.
Church Relations Committee. This committee shall seek to relate the churches in the community to the corporation, as donors and as providers of volunteers for construction and other purposes.
Public Relations Committee. This committee shall be responsible for educating and informing the public regarding the mission and purposes of the corporation, the need for better and more affordable housing in the area, and the steps being taken to meet this need, The tasks to be coordinated by this committee shall include public speaking, press relationships, and publishing a periodic newsletter.
Family Selection Committee. This committee shall be responsible for preparing the selection criteria forms, screening applications, interviewing applicants, and recommending applicants to the Board of Directors for approval as prospective homeowners.
Family Nurture Committee. This committee shall he responsible for providing Habitat for Humanity homeowners and prospective homeowners with a mutual support system, educational opportunities, and a forum for discussion relating to the management of finances, home ownership, and maintenance, all for the purpose of helping families break the poverty cycle and becoming responsible, independent homeowners.
Site Selection Committee. This committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Board of Directors the sites where the projects of the corporation shall be developed, investigating and researching the availability of property, and recommending to the Board of Directors whether a certain property should be acquired or should or should not be accepted as a contribution. The committee shall work in conjunction with the Building Committee to evaluate the suitability of potential sites prior to acquisition.
Building Committee. This committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing the construction projects of the corporation. The tasks to be directed by this committee shall include recommending house plans for the approval of the Board of Directors, soliciting professional help and donations of building materials, coordinating volunteers, and supervising the construction.
Public Relations: Handles media releases, publicity, marketing for events, website, Facebook, Twitter.
Fund Development Committee: Facilitates fund-raising, any annual campaigns, capital campaigns, outreach through public relations, and marketing.
Fair Housing: Ensures that our website, literature and affiliate are in compliance with Federal Law. Recommends changes or no changes to the Board for their signature.